
GSM Vs. CDMA Cellular Phones and the Benefits of Each

In terms of cellular service, there’re 2 technologies competing in the market right now. They are GSM, i.e. Global System for Mobile Communications, and CDMA, i.e. Code Division Multiple Access. Cellular carriers inclusive of Verizon, Sprint PCS, Cingular Wireless, and T-Mobile make use of one of these two technologies. Comprehending difference between CDMA and GSM would simplify the way of choosing a carrier which utilizes the network technology preferable for your needs.
GSM association can be referred to as one of the international organizations founded in the year 1987, which is dedicated toward the provision, development, and overseeing of GSM standard across the globe. CDMA is amongst the proprietary standards designed by a company called ‘Qualcomm’ in the US. It has been dominant with regards to network standards for certain Asian countries and the whole of North America. GSM networks, however, continue making roads in US. There’re camps on every side, which think of CDMA or GSM to be superior to another. All said and done; the non-invested customer who just wants the bottom-line information for making a choice, the considerations given below might turn out to be useful.
The most essential factor is that of getting proper service in areas where phone would be used. Upon having viewed coverage maps of competitors, you might discover that only CDMA or GSM carriers make cellular service available in the area that you need it. If that is the case, there won’t be much of a choice.
Speed of data transfer
As cellular phones are performing double, triple duty in the form of streaming video plans, email devices, and pod cast receivers, speed is vital for the people who make use of phone for other purposes, apart from making calls. It is a known fact that CDMA Cell Phones are faster as compared to GSM Cell Phones. Both can boast of third generation technologies, or 3G standards.
SIM (Subscriber Identification Module) cards
In the US, SIM cards are used by GSM phones only. SIM card, that have the ability of getting removed, permits the cell phones to get activated, swapped out, interchanged, and upgraded, without the intervention of a wireless carrier. The SIM here, gets tied to a network, in place of the actual phone. Card-enabled unlocked phones can be utilized with any carrier of GSM.
CDMA equivalent, the R-UIM card, has been made available in certain Asian countries since the last few years. It’s, however, on horizon for market of the US. Carriers of CDMA in US need proprietary handsets. They are connected to a single carrier and aren’t card-enabled. For upgrading any of the CDMA phones, carrier should deactivate the old phone and then have the new one activated. Old phone turns out to be useless most of the time.
Both the networks have a fairly wide coverage in main cities, along with main highways. Carriers of GSM have contracts of roaming with the other carriers of GSM, thereby permitting broader coverage in rural areas, in particular. CDMA networks might not have rural areas covered as effectively as GSM. They might sign a contract regarding roaming with the GSM cells for coverage in rural areas, but the customer would then have to shell out a bit extra.
About the Author
This article about Cellular Phones was written by Albert Connors. If you would like to learn about GSM Unlocked Cell Phones or if you would like to learn about CDMA Cellular Phones and the most popular CDMA of Verizon Cell Phones click here.


What does 3G mean?

Nowadays, everybody has a mobile phone. Whether they're on a contract or a pay as you go tariff, the mobile phone has become an essential item for many people. this article will be taking a look at the the mobile phone's history - as well as its future - in order to find out more about the now essential telecommunications device.

Mobile phones started life as the two way radio, which was also called mobile rigs. these were installed in vehicles such as minicabs, police cars and ambulances, but were not strictly mobile phones as they were not normally connected to the telephone network. while the very first mobile phones were installed permanently in vehicles, later versions such as the transportables, also called bag phones, could also be carried, and can be used as either portable or as mobile two-way radios.

The first generation of mobile phones are often called 1G. These mobile phones are the analog devices that were introduced in the eighties & continued until being replaced by 2G mobile phones, which ran on digital networks. in fact, even though 1G & 2G systems use digital signals to connect the radio towers to the rest of the telephone network, the voice itself during a phone call encoded to digital signals in 2g while voices on 1G phones aren't.

Second generation, also called 2-g, mobile telephones were introduced in the nineties. 2-g phone systems were characterised by their use of digital transmission and the introduction of advanced and fast phone to network signalling.

The birth of 2-g systems saw telephones move from friendly 1g telephones to little handheld items, which were much more portable. this change was possible through technological developments including more advanced batteries and energy saving electronics.

The second generation mobile telephones had severaladvantages over 1g items. These included text messaging, which became possible on gsm networks initially and eventually on all digital networks. the earliest machine-sent message was sent in 1991 in the uk. the earliest person to person sms text message was sent in 1993 in finland. sms text messaging soon became the preferred method of communication and the public now prefer sending text messages to placing voice calls.

3-g is the term applied to the third generation of mobile phone standards & technology. 3g follows 2g mobile phone technology.

The birth of 3-g technologies allow network operators for instance Vodafone give their users a larger range of more advanced services. These include video calls& wireless internet.

Even though 3-g was successfully introduced throughout the world, issues have been raised by both 3-g providers & users, comprising of costly phones. in addition to this, there's numerous differences in the licensing terms.

Ever since the launch of 3-g mobile phone technology. people have been talking about 4g. 4g technology will signify the future of mobile telephones, creating the most sophisticated handsets and best services yet. in actual fact, one of the next services to be developed is thought to be live streaming of radio and tv shows to 3-g handsets is and shops including real and disney recently announcing that they'll be offering services like these.

In conclusion, even though the history of mobile phones they have come a long way in the past few years, it also indicates that they'll go even further still. Author Resource:- Maria Literral has worked in telecoms for over 20 years having spent time developing mobile communications and wireless telecommuncation devices

Battery is the best heart of mobile phone: Know all about Lithium-Ion and Lithium Polymer cell phone batteries

People know all about what their cell phones are capable of doing and what it takes to get the most out of them. However, most of us forget to understand the functioning of lithium-ion or lithium polymer cell phone batteries. These batteries are the integral part of a cell phone. Without a battery, cell phone won’t work.

The lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries are the latest invention in to the mobile phone technology. These batteries provide awesome capacity and weigh less. The best part is that these batteries do not suffer from any sort of memory effect. This indicates that the user can easily top up the change as per your convenience. These batteries are inexpensive and available for most of the mobile phones, these days.

An average Lithium-Ion cell phone weighs 19.5 grams. The voltage is about 3.7 and total capacity is up to 850mAh. It has 500 cycle life and best stored under 20 degree Celsius – 30 degree Celsius temperature. The battery measures 53 x 34 x 48 mm. It operates best under 20 degree Celsius – 60 degree Celsius. The self discharge capacity of this battery is 8% each month.

There are several benefits you can enjoy when using Lithium Ion battery for your cell phone.

Here are some of the benefits of using Lithium Ion battery:
a) The battery has good discharge performance with strong current.
b) It has a high discharge platform.
c) The voltage reduces less than about 0.1V after three months of storage.
d) The quality’s supreme. It is said to meet and even go beyond many national standard of foreign countries.
e) The battery has a longer life.
f) The battery can be applied to a wide field. You can easily customize it to all sorts of mobile phone, digital vidicon, notebook computer, mobile DVD, MP3, mobile CD and many other mobile electronic products as per specific requirements of users.
g) Maintenance of Lithium Ion battery is easy. All you require to do is to take special care about not to keep the battery near fire, short circuit it, disassemble or put in to the water.

Lithium polymer batteries have become a favorite power source of electric radio controlled models. These batteries can be referred to as the most advanced type of mobile phone batteries. These are thinner and lighter as compared to the Lithium Ion batteries

Lithium polymer batteries are usually moulded in to many shapes. These are also squeezed in to smaller cell phone casings. The best part is that these batteries share all the benefits provided by Lithium Ion batteries.

These type of electrolyte used in these batteries are different. The electrolyte is similar to a plastic film that does not conduct electricity. It allows good exchange of ions. The electrolyte easily replaces the traditional porous separator that’s soaked with electrolyte

The dry polymer design of this cell phone battery offers simplicity when it comes to ruggedness, thin profile and safely.

Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy when using Lithium Polymer battery:
a) It provides energy density of about three times as compared to any other battery.
b) It can be molded in to a numerous variety of shapes and sizes.
c) Flexible design

Laptop backup – protecting your information!

Being constantly on the move, we have come to rely on our laptops more than we think. IT specialists have developed forward-looking portable computers but they have also taken care of our need for backing-up information. Today, a large percent of the enterprise users have become deeply interested in protecting their information and this is why laptop backup products are so popular.

The competition for PC backup solutions is stringent, many companies promising to have the best one. How do you know which enterprise laptop backup solution is the most suitable for your company? Can you be certain that you will be satisfied? No matter if you are interested in PC or laptop backup, have a small or large company, you will definitely notice which solution is more effective. The products that are of latest generation are secure, being preferred by laptop users because of two very important features: WAN optimizer and bandwidth opportunistic scheduling.

Today, we have been given innovative solutions such as the laptop backup, commonly pursued by company directors and administrators, all looking for PC backup that is either WAN/LAN supported and is effective. By synchronizing, valuable information is sent from either a laptop or a personal computer to a central server; here, the data is analyzed, organized and encrypted for future use. It is almost incredible how far technology has reached and that we have access to such advanced enterprise laptop backup products.

The specialists in laptop backup solutions offer enhanced functionality of computers while facilitating safe data transmission. They provide this innovative solution with a central server for people who spend all day in an office but especially for those who are traveling regularly, being adapted for various Windows versions and also Linux. Many companies rely today on laptop sync solutions, sending important amounts of information through such products and benefiting from the high degree of protection offered.

Whether you choose the backup products for a laptop or a personal computer, the process is the same. You choose which data you are going to use for laptop sync, plus the bandwidth that will be utilized. Being given access to extremely convenient features like the bandwidth scheduling, you can connect to the central server easily and use the information that you send for storage.

We have all welcomed the Internet into our lives, being attracted by the immense volume of information contained. In time, we have contributed to the expansion of this technology but we are also part of the unsafe data transmission. We need solutions that overcome such problems and laptop backup seems to be one of the most ingenious. The functionality of this product is enhanced in its turn by the fast connection, the automatic sync and many other key benefits. It is enough to try the product one time to be convinced of how many good things it can do. The best part, you get to choose the bandwidth availability for laptop sync. Are you ready for another revolution in the IT world, one that is caused by forward-looking laptop backup solutions?
Author Resource:- Druvaa inSync is a unique product to continuously synchronize and protect critical data on laptop/desktop to enterprise wide central server. It compresses, encrypts and synchronizes folder level changes to a central server while at office or traveling, even over the weakest possible network link: http://www.druvaa.com/products/insync.html

Did i choose the best Laptop Computer ?

Did I choose the best laptop ?

Keys to choosing the best laptop computer :

Who is the laptop user? When choosing a laptop computer, it is important to understand who will be using it.., school student, college student, professional businessman ,office worker, etc.

Where will the laptop be used? For heavy mobile users such as college students and professionals, size, weight and battery life are very important. So when looking over the reviews and relevant specs, keep those factors in mind. The average high school student uses a laptop from room to room in their house, and have loads of access to AC power most of the time. So for these users, the factors listed above may not be as critical.

How will the laptop be used? The more mobile the user, the more durability is needed. Heavy users ie sales reps spend a great deal of time start and shutting down their laptops every day. an average heavy user will open and shut their laptop computer 5 times a day. Although that may not seem alot of wear and tear, there is also the issue of general handling. Heavy users will be travelling from location to location, in and out of cars,on and off planes etc on a constant basis. This increases the likelihood of damage to the laptop computer, via dropping, bumping and banging, drink spills on the keyboard, etc....

Should I buy a service contract for my laptop? the answer is YES. When you think about carrying around a fragile piece of electronics costing $1000 or more, the price of a typical service contract is a bargain. for a relatively small price $100 per laptop computer, its worth it to for you peace of mind.

.How much should I expect to pay for a laptop? It used to be hard to find a quality laptop under $600; however, this is no longer true. There are several companies with great offers, starting around £300. The options / upgrades you select have a large impact in what you can expect to pay. Having a list of what you want in a laptop, such as memory, speed, hard drive size, burners, etc..will help when you go shopping. Although online laptop computer manufacturers allow a great deal of customization, the general public are easily serviced with a “off the shelf” standard laptop computer.

What Laptop Brand Should I Select? the worlds your oyster in this respect with the amount of laptop computer manufactures out there,with different colours and sizes its everyones personal choice , I myself find that acer have all the features which service my needs.
Author Resource:- From engineer to sales rep ,now cacthing up with technology www.discount-notebooks.net


Tip Menaikan Ranking Situs Anda

Semakin banyak pengunjung, semakin besar peluang kita mendapatkan keuntungan dari produk yang kita tawarkan. Berikut sedikit tip untuk menaikan ranking situs yaitu:
1. Pilihlah Konten yang Berkualitas.
Memberikan konten yang berkualitas membangun kepercayaan antara kita dan pengunjung. Semakin banyak konten yang kita berikan, semakin besar ikatan kita kepada mereka. Untuk itu, usahakan konten tetap fokus dengan kata kunci spesifik. Setiap halaman situs web harus di optimasi dan di fokuskan pada satu kunci. Jangan menyerah ketika harus mencari keyword yang tepat. Karena kata kunci tersebut merupakan pondasi utama bagi konten halaman dan bisnis kita.
2. Temukan Link yang Relevan.
Semakin banyak bergabung dengan situs-situs lain, akan semakin mengutungkan. Merekalah yang menentukan situs kita bagus atau tidak. Dengan banyaknya incoming link yang masuk, otomatis mesin pencari bisa lebih mengenal kita. Search engine lebih memperhatikan link-link yang relevan.
3.Memasukan Situs ke Direktori.
Ini adalah cara yang paling tepat menjadikan situs berkualitas dan menempati posisi tertinggi. Sebenarnya situs direktori ini tidak terlalu populer di banding search engine, tapi link mereka bisa membantu menaikkan ranking pada search engine.
4. Tambahkan Site Map.
Site map sangat membantu robot-robot spider dari search engine mengindeks seluruh konten halaman sebua situs web. Dengan begitu pengunjung akan menukan informasi yang dibutuhkan secara cepat. Inilah alasannya kenapa disarankan untuk mencari keyword yang tepat dan link partner yang relevan.
5. Sabar dan Mencoba Cara Lain.
Menunggu search engine menjelajahi situs dan merankingnya cukup memakan waktu lama. Untuk mengisi waktu, ada baiknya kita mencoba cara lain untuk meningkatkan traffic situs:
* PPC (Pay Per Click)
* Menulis artikel
* Iklan offline
* Membeli ruang iklan di newsletter dan sebagainya
* Posting ke sebuah forum yang relevan
* Bergabung di web shop mall gratis
* Membuat majalah elektronik (ezine)
Kesabaran adalah bagian tersulit. Bagaimanapun, jika ingin sukses berbisnis secara online, kita harus sabar dan perlu waktu untuk menjalani.
(6 rahasia sukses menjadi jutawan)


Hal-hal yang Dianggap Menggangu oleh Pengunjung Situs

Sebagai pemilik situs, wajib memprioritaskan kenyamanan pengunjung, sehinggadapat berkunjung kembali. Pada kenyataan nya para pengunjung memperolehketidak nyamanan di dalam mengakses situs. Jika kita mengabaikan, jangan harap mereka akan berkunjung kembali, hal-hal tersebut diantaranya:

- Iklan pop-up
- Keharusan menginstall software tertentu untuk dapat berkunjung ke situs kita.
- Link yang mati
- Perlu register (logon) sebelum masuk ke situs.
- Navigasi situs yang tidak mudah/nyaman, untuk menemukan page/halaman tertentu.
- Lambat dalam melakukan loading (karna terlalu banyak link yang terkait).
- Content yang kadaluarsa (untuk berita).
- Tools situs pencari yang lambat/tidak efektif.
- Tidak ada informasi kontak.
- Ketidak mampuan untuk menggunakan tombol "back" di browser.
- Situs yang menggunakan flash atau animasi yang berat.
- Teks bergerak, menggangu pandangan mata dalam membaca artikel.
- Musik/audio yang hidup secara otomatis.
- Tampilan buruk, seperti warna, font, gambar, format web.
- Membuka halaman baru untuk sebuah link.


Apa Hebatnya Blackberry..........?

Push Email
Blackberry boleh disebut sebagai pioner dalam push email. Email push sama dengan email biasa yang sudah kita kenal, cuma cara penyampainnya tidak perlu di download, melainkan ketika di kirim, email langsung tiba seperti SMS.
Sebagian besar orang yang memiliki email, membaca email secara berkala, misal
di kantor, atau ketika di rumah waktu pulang kerja. Dengan cara manual ini, seringkali beberapa email penting tidak bisa ditanggapi dengan cepat.
Push email (email dorong) ini, tidak memerlukan pengaturan yang rumit. Pengguna bisa mendaftarkan 10 alamat email dan untuk mengaturnya hanya perlu memasukan alamat email serta password, tanpa dipusingkan dengan konfigurasi GPRS, POP3, SMTP, dll.

Sarana Sosialisasi
Push email tidak melulu hanya urusan pekerjaan, tetapi juga menyenangkan untuk sosialisasi. Banyak sekali sekarang mailing list yang punya segmen khusus, misal mailing list teknologi, mailing list kuliner, mailing list trading, dan lain-lain. Mailing list yang diangkat sebagai milis, ini memungkinkan orang-orang yang punya minat serupa, berkumpul di ruang maya, dan saling berbagi informasi pada bidang yang di minati.
Beberapa milist memiliki sejumlah peserta yang banyak, dan jumlah email per hari nya yang ratusan email. Jika kita mengikuti beberapa aja milis yang emailnya ratusan per hari, bayangkan ketika kita membacanya di rumah sehabis pulang dari kantor. Dengan push email, kita bisa "mencicil" membaca email yang masuk, bisa ketika kita sedang sarapan pagi, ketika kita sedang menunggu anak pulang sekolah, atau ketika mengantri, dan sebagainya.

Manajemen Email
Beberapa email dapat ditampung sebuah Blackberry yang "hanya" memiliki 64MB data storage/memory internal? puluhan ribu email dapat ditampung dengan kapasitas hanya sebesar itu dengan mudah. Ini disebabkan sistem kompresi Blackberry yang luar biasa. Biasanya email kita yang di download manual ke PC berkisar 3 - 6kb per email. Pada sebuah Blackberry email yang sama di kompresi sampai seperseratusnya.
Data email yang ribuan tentu saja memerlukan manajemen email yang baik, karena email yang terlalu banyak jarang bisa di baca 100 persen. Mudah saja kita kehilangan email penting dari rekanan atau atasan, karena tenggelam dalam ribuan email lain.
Pada Blackberry bisa diterapkan sistem filter yang canggih, email yang penting bisa diset sebagai level 1 message. Dengan ini email penting akan berwarna merah tebal, dan bisa berbunyi dengan nada yang berbeda. Sehingga dari nada panggil nya, kita dapat mengetahui asal email penting tersebut.
Dengan keleluasan memberikan tempat untuk 10 alamat email, maka pada Blackberry kita juga akan memiliki 10 kotak penyimpanan email, ini berguna seperti memilah-milah surat.

Layanan Chatting
Jika dirasa email masih kurang cepat, pada layanan Blackberry, kita juga dapat menikmati chatting. Chatting singkatnya seperti kita bercakap-cakap, tapi dengan bahasa tulisan, yang bisa berlangsung intens tanpa jeda. Dari mulai Yahoo Mesengger, Google Talk, MSN, AOL. Percakapan juga bisa kita langsungkan bukan hanya berdua, tapi bisa beberapa orang sekaligus, seperti konfrensi.
Sudah biasa dengan layanan chatting di atas, kita bisa menikmati layanan chatting yang lebih advance, yaitu Blackberry Messenger, yang banyak disingkat oleh pemakainnya dengan BBM.
Walau mirip dengan chatting lainnya diatas, BBM selain bisa mengirimkanpercakapan melalui tulisan, bisa juga mengirimkan voice note, berupa rekaman suara singkat, yang bisa didengarkan oleh pemilik Blackberry yang dituju. Jadi percakapan di langsungkan seperti layaknya sebuah walkie talkie. Pengirim merekam suaranya, dan mengirimkannya langsung ke penerima. Layanan ini miripdengan yang dikenal dengan push to talk.
Fitur lain yang utama selain push email dan chatting yang di miliki Blackberry adalah fitur browser ke internet. Browser Blackberry selalu online, jadi ketika kita mau surfing internet, dimana saja kita bisa surfing. Beberapa fitur yang tidak atau belum di miliki Blackberry, banyak di bantu oleh fitur browser ini.
Dari urusan penting seperti mencari spesifikasi barang, ensiklopedia, jurnal, dan lain-lain, sampai ke urusan remeh temeh ada di internet. Misalkan kita butuh kamus bahasa Inggris-Indonesia, yang belum ada softwarenya di Blackberry, maka kita bisa langsung buka internet browser dan cari online arti kata tertentu disana. Hampir semua data umum yang diperlukan bisa kita cari via internet browser di internet, termasuk jadwal Kereta Api.

Fitur Map
selain tiga fitur utama tersebut Blackberry "push email, chatting, browser internet", Balckberry masih mempunyai fitur unggulan, seperti Blackberry Maps dan Google Map. Dengan fitur ini, kita bisa melihat map atau peta berbagai kota di seluruh dunia. Dengan bantuan Google Map, kita bisa melihat map berupa foto satelit daerah kita. Berbeda dengan device lain yang kebanyakan data map disimpan dalam unit, pada Blackberry data tersebut di kirimkan melalui sambungan GPRS.
(ref. kompas)


Mengamankan Koneksi Nirkabel

Bila kita sering berpergian ke tempat yang jauh, mejelajahi dunia maya via
akses nirkabel di hotspot membutuhkan pengamanan. Tujuannya agar perjalanan
bisa berlangsung aman dan nyaman.
Meskipun perjalanan ke dunia maya via akses nirkabel tidak akan membahayakan
hidup Anda, ancaman yang dikandungnya masih berpotensi melahirkan masalah bagi
komputer dan data yang tersimpan di dalamnya. Sebenarnya hal ini dapat di cegah
dengan menerapkan beberapa langkah praktis. Yang penting, Kita selalu disiplin
melakukan pengamanan ini manakala sedang mengakses internet di berbagai tempat

1. Hindari mengirim informasi penting
Camkanlah bahwa segala yang Anda ketik atau segala info yang tampil pada layar
komputer Anda saat mengakses jaringan nirkabel dapat dilihat juga oleh orang
lain. Hal ini khususnya terjadi jika koneksi yang dilangsungkan dalam 'hotspot'
tidak memiliki pengamanan apapun. Ingatlah untuk selalu waspada. Dalam situasi
seperti itu, ada baiknya jika Anda melakukan aneka transaksi online yang
memunculkan aneka informasi penting.

2. Pastikan untuk mengakses protokol HTTPS
Seandainya terpaksa melakukan transaksi online dalam jaringan nirkabel,
pastikan bahwa situs Web yang dikunjungi telah memiliki pengamanan berupa
https. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer atau HTTP
over SSL) merupakan protokol Web yang akan menyandikan setiap informasi yang
dikirim ke atau didatangkan dari server Web.
Namun ada beberapa kasus, protokol https hanya dijalankan pada saat Anda login
ke situs Web. Pada saat proses validasi selesai dilakukan dan kita memasuki
situs web tersebut, protokol yang dipakai biasanya kembali ke http (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol). Hal ini biasanya terjadi saat kita mengakses e-mail via

3. Hindari pengitip di sekitar Anda
Jika mengakses internet dari hotspot di kafe atau tempat umum lain, Anda akan
di kelilingi oleh berbagai macam orang dengan berbagai sifat dan kepentingan.
Ada yang baik, dan tidak berniat buruk, tetapi banyak juga yang jahat dan
berniat tidak baik. Karena itu, pastikan bahwa setiap informasi yang di ketikan
tidak mudah dilihat orang dari meja di belakang Anda, atau dari samping kanan
dan kiri Anda.

4. Pasang "firewall" dan antivirus
Jangan lupa untuk memasang antivirus dan firewall personal dalam komputer Anda.
Dengan kedua benteng tersebut, setiap paket yang masuk atau keluar dari dan ke
komputer Anda akan mengalami proses pendeteksian terlebih dulu. Dengan
demikian, setiap "kuda troya"/penyusup yang berpotensi menembus komputer Anda
akan bisa dicegah.


10 Penyebab Foto Ponsel Kurang Maksimal

1. Posisi Snap goyang
2. Kurang cahaya
3. Objek sering bergerak
4. Salah setting resolusi
5. Salah angle/posisi
6. Jarak foto terlalu jauh/dekat
7. Tombol hang
8. Memakai zoom
9. Salah frame
10 Kurang berhitung saat smile please

Selamat berfoto riang...cheseee :-D

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